Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Back to school

hey everyone... I have been writing a lot of emails lately, so I haven't really updated. I'm not quite overdue anyway. at least once a week is my goal! I'm back to school and things are going MUCH better. My german improved a lot over break because all we did in Turkey was talk... talk over meals, talk at the beach, talk in the sauna and baths, etc. I'm feeling really good about that.

Things have been a little strange in the family this week. My host grandfather died, the father of my hostmother, so i've have been shuffling around to friends houses for meals. tonight I am sleeping at my first host family's house because my current host family is down near Dortmund, near where my dad's cousin Bobby lives.

anyway... I updated some pictures on Ringo. It is a lot faster with Ringo than with my blog here. I'll try and get one of two up soon here. But, in the mean time, check out my pictures on ringo. There are a lot more to come... I only got up one new folder so far. All the new folders will be titled Germany Tour-''subject''. If you want to see them and you are not already signed up, all you gotta do is go to and create an account and then add my email address so that I can become your new ''Ringo Friend''! my email is

So... Im off in the rain on my bike to the Hedlefs. Thank god for big raincoats.

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