the soccer game was awasome! I spent much of the game with the South African groups, learning their songs and dances. And Diana somehow ran into her best friend (from Africa, that she didn't know was there)! Germany won, but whatever. I was cheering for both anyway.
the reason y I thought I would post is because I was reading a list of all the things donated by the different countries because of Katrina. If you want to check it out, click on the title of my blog. I thought the funniest one was from Panama, 120,000 lbs of bananas! It sounds like things are getting both better and worse, with the government finally responding, but the floodwaters in New Orleans are getting really toxic. It is sad that the donations from the world were mostly needed a week ago. What would we do with thousands of tents now? The most interesting thing about being abroad is hearing how the news has a different spin. And what makes me angry is how much the american media censors! Its horrible.
Today I had gym class... it was almost like being in gym when u are in 2nd grade because its more fun and games than excersize. I wonder if it is normally like that. We had these long banner things that we spun around and made up games with.
The circus starts any minute now. So, got to go.
In Europe, soccer is called football. Isn't it? So confusing.
Hey!!! that sounds like fun watchin the game! we found ur french dictionary, and an english one u had with 250,000 words, we got brownie mix and ur luggage. I can't find ur boot wax yet, e-mail me and i need to know more specifically where it is haha. and the cds didn't copy correctly so I'm just gonna send u the back ups I made a month ago after you left. have fun!! ttyl.
Hey, forgot, about the clothes, what size shirt, like small medium large, XL, it's not by numbers, the pants are though I found a couple pairst of shorts, a pair of dress pants and a shirt. Let me know soon so dad cans end the stuff.
Totally ignore your brother's second comment---he was confused. The clothes I asked him to look for were for a friend at work, not you!
yeah, what mom said, hahaha. ttyl!
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