It seems that no one ever reads this because no one ever posts comments. So I thought that I would try to get some pictures up so that people would become interested again.
So... I know that I can upload pictures

I updated two other posts with pictures too, below...
Sometime next week I can put up pics of the wattenmeer and of a Rotary picnic in Bremen that we are going to have tomorrow. It has been raining for 2 days straight, so hopefully we wont get rained out.
I love cows!!! haha (a lot fo ppl do read ur blog they just don't post anything)
Is that MOVED or MOOOOOED?? Grandpa Volzer
Becky, I think I figured out why you are not getting comments. If you click on the envelope, you get an e-mail page to work with. If they don't know your e-mail address offhand, they won't send a comment. If you click on the date,you get to the right place to post a comment,but if they don't scroll down after making the smart... comment, they won't see the secret code that is used to SEND it!!
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