Monday, January 08, 2007

pictures of campus!!!

This is the lovely view I see everyday from the cafeteria which is on the thrid floor above the student union! It is much prettier in person. A wonderful reason why you should come visit me! (even the food is pretty good here too)

From left to right.... Aneeb (Pakistan), Rashmi (India), me, Erum (Tanzania)

This is part of the Academic Quad... with the Chemistry building first and the Biology one sort of behind.

This is my hallway. My door is the 2nd on the left, sort of in that shadow area behind the white column. I have a single room!! My floor is in the basement, so our windows have pretty views of a concrete wall. But at least they are big to let in the wandering rays of sunshine that actually make it into the "trench" like thing that surround the building.

Aneeb and I


ok... so guess what.... Becky is finally well enough for longer than a week to get a chance to write TWICE in her blog in one week. Can you believe it?!?!

Break is slowingly coming to an end. Although I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, I feel like I have been given a chance to get back on my feet and start fresh (and with a running start!) with a new semester at school.

This break time has also given me a chance to get back in contact with the many many people that I fell out of contact with. I feel so blessed because so many of my friends are scattered all over the world. Well... its a blessing and a curse. I don't ever want to loose those contacts. Its so much fun to hear from them.

I'm excited to get started on my new classes. I'm taking all sciences. Biology and Chemistry. with lots of labs! I'm also working at my job (Alcohol and Drug awareness coordinator) and hopefully starting a reasearch position on Sol-gels... a special engineered glass. I guess pyrex is one kind. Excepting this kind is expandable when given an organic solevant. weird! My EMS First Responder shifts should start sometime too. yippie!

This sunday I made a presentation with Nicole Smith at church. We are trying to raise funds to go to Mexico on a medical missionary trip with David & Mary Kay Ness and Bertha Guild. It sounds like an amazing oportunity. The scary part is that we are leaving in 6 weeks and I have to pack, like, this week because I won't be home again between now and then. EEEEEE!!

I hope that anyone still reading my blog had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for reading!!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Winter break

It doesn't seem like I can keep up to date on these blogs like I could in Germany! I want to blame it on the Lyme Disease, but in a way, the US just doesn't put the awe and inspiration into my every thought like so much of Europe did. My discoveries now are limited to biology and chemisty and my other classes and getting to know other people on campus, especially the internationals in my dorm. When I'm not crashing from lack of sleep (school related and illness related!) i'm just trying to get by. I passed all of my classes and exams with a 3.2 overall average and I am very pleased, considering.

Aneeb and I are together and very happy. I love learning so much about South Asia and I have made many other friends from India and Pakistan as well. Even though my studies are very focused, I feel that I am still getting a very varied liberal arts education from just being around other people learning other things.

We have been out of school for 3 weeks now and I still have a week left. Life has been busy during break. I brought a lot of work home that am behind on from my job. I took almost a month off when I was going through treatment.

I can't wait to start my classes next week. I have a very busy schedule. For now, I am trying to sleep as much as I can before things start up again. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!